Weekly Reading (05/28/2018)
Selections from the Web:
- Aída Chávez: Planned Parenthood Is Asking Donald Trump’s Labor Board For Help Busting Its Colorado Union
- Edward-Isaac Dovere: Perez Infuriates Liberals With Cuomo endorsement
- Frank Pasquale: Tech Platforms and the Knowledge Problem
- Gavin Mueller: No Alternative: How Culture Jamming Was Culture-Jammed
- Helena Fitzgerald: The Decline of Snapchat and the Secret Joy of Internet Ghost Towns
- Jonah Weiner: How Boots Riley Infiltrated Hollywood
- Lyta Gold: Current Affairs’ Comparative Mythology Exam
- Lyz Lenz: From Taylor Swift to the World’s Largest T-Shirt Cannon: An Internet Reader
- Michael S. Derby: Financial Crisis May Have Hit ’80s Generation the Hardest
- Peter Slezkine: What Happened to the “Free World”?
- Sean McElwee: The Rising Racial Liberalism of Democratic Voters