Weekly Reading (09/30/2019)
Selections from the Web:
- Dexter Fergie: The Strange Career of ‘National Security’
- Alex Pareene: Impeachment Shouldn’t Be the Goal of Impeachment
- Tess McClure: Dark Crystals: The Brutal Reality Behind a Booming Wellness Craze
Books and Journal Articles:
Journal Articles and Chapters:
- Eva Yiwei Wu, Emily Pedersen, and Niloufar Salehi: “Agent, Gatekeeper, Drug Dealer: How Content Creators Craft Algorithmic Personas,” ACM CSCW 2019, (2019)
- Jenna Burrell, Zoe Khan, Anne Jonas, and Daniel Griffin: “When Users Control the Algorithms: Values Expressed in Practices on the Twitter Platform,” ACM CSCW 2019, (2019)
- Langdon Winner: “Do Artifacts Have Politics,” Daedalus, (1980) (reread)
- Trevor J. Pinch and Wiebe E. Bijker: “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology might Benefit Each Other,” Social Studies of Science, (1984) (reread)