Weekly Reading (02/17/2020)
Selections from the Web:
- Ann Neumann: Mad Dogs and Medical Bills
- Clare Malone: On the Ground With Lis Smith, the Political Pro Who Invented ‘Mayor Pete’
- John Ganz: Finding Neverland
- Mimi Swartz: A Battle for the Soul of Marfa
- Paige Williams: The Wrong Way to Fight the Opioid Crisis
- Seth Ackerman: The Cosmic Irony of Bernie Sanders’s Rise
- Stephen S. Hall: Who Thought Sucking on a Battery Was a Good Idea?
Books and Journal Articles:
- Stuart J. Russell: Human Compatible: AI and the Problem of Control (2019)
- Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen : Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign (2017)
Journal Articles and Chapters:
- Marion Fourcade and Kieran Healy: “Seeing Like a Market,” Socio-Economic Review, (2017)
- Stephanie Dick and Daniel Volmar: “DLL Hell: Software Dependencies, Failure, and the Maintenance of Microsoft Windows,” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, (2018)